Pulisserry is a very close cousin of Moru Kootan. A very popular dish among the Kerala Iyers or Malayalees and occupies a very prominent place in the Vishu Sadhya .
Moru Kootan makes use of vegetables like okra/bhindi , ash gourd in the yogurt gravy while Pulissery makes use of seasonal fruits like Nendrapazham (variety of banana) , Ripe mango or pineapple .
Pair this with a spicy curry like potato roast ,arbi fry ,vazhakkai curry etc and some fried papads to enjoy a complete meal with hot rice and ghee.
Though this should be called as Mambazha Pulissery technically it is very commonly called as Mambazha Moru Kootan or Mambazha Kootan .
Sometimes this is paired with yellow cucumber also ,but today I made with just ripe mango and it tasted super yummy .
Preparation Time - 15 mins
Cooking Time - 15 mins
Serves- 2-3
Complexity - simple
Moru Kootan makes use of vegetables like okra/bhindi , ash gourd in the yogurt gravy while Pulissery makes use of seasonal fruits like Nendrapazham (variety of banana) , Ripe mango or pineapple .
Pair this with a spicy curry like potato roast ,arbi fry ,vazhakkai curry etc and some fried papads to enjoy a complete meal with hot rice and ghee.
Though this should be called as Mambazha Pulissery technically it is very commonly called as Mambazha Moru Kootan or Mambazha Kootan .
Sometimes this is paired with yellow cucumber also ,but today I made with just ripe mango and it tasted super yummy .
Preparation Time - 15 mins
Cooking Time - 15 mins
Serves- 2-3
Complexity - simple