May 24, 2022

Rose Milkshake | How to make rose milk at home ?

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 Rose milk or rose milkshake is truly a summer delight and the beautiful baby pink color is more than enough to tempt anyone to enjoy a chilled creamy glass of rose milk .  As a child I was not very fond of rose milk or rose falooda ,but after marriage V made me have this at his favorite restaurant and challenged me, I will fall in love with rose milkshake and that said there has been no looking back .  

I now, have a bottle of rose syrup concentrate always at home which makes it very easy to whip up a delicious milkshake when the craving sets in or even when we have sudden guests .

Rose milk can be made with just chilled milk and rose syrup or with a hint of vanilla essence and to make it even more rich and exotic add in a few scoops of vanilla icecream while blending. 

Rose syrup is very handy and you can also make delicious summer delights like Rose Kulfi and Rose Thandaai .

Preparation Time - 5 mins
Cooking Time - nil
Makes  2 to 3  glasses 
Complexity - simple


30 ml rose syrup 
2 cups chilled milk
3 to 4 scoops vanilla ice cream
Tutti fruity or chopped nuts for garnish

**I dint add sugar as the rose syrup and vanilla ice cream both had enough sugar to sweeten the milkshake . If you want it sweet,you can add some sugar as per taste. 


  • Take the chilled milk , rose syrup and 2 scoops of vanilla icecream in a blender and blend to a smooth consistency. 
  • Pour into serving glasses ,top it with a scoop of vanilla icecream and garnish with tutti fruity lr chopped nuts as you please and serve immediately. 


  • Make the rose milk in advance and refrigerate it . Top it with ice cream and garnish just before serving .
  • If you don't want to add vanilla icecream, you can also add few drops of vanilla essence while blending. 

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  1. Summer without rose milk is incomplete. I love how frothy these are, perfect for milk mustaches.

    1. Haha... Milk mustache.. had totally forgotten about the childhood fun

  2. Rose milk is my favorite drink especially in summer. You can feel the cooling down of your body as tye milk travels down your throat. I definitely will want some today it's hot and so humid.

  3. Rose milk always somehow reminds me of chennai , although I have never tasted it. The sweet alluring colour is very tempting - kalyani


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